Преобразователь температуры PROFINET® в качестве головного или полевого устройства с двумя универсальными входами для датчиков, пригодный для использования во взрывоопасных зонах с Ethernet-APL™
Ensure higher yield through easy integration, fast commissioning and consistent asset management (vendor independent) thanks to unified digital communication.
Comprehensive open and seamless access to device, diagnostics and process information
Time-saving parameterization thanks to unified operating concept
Ideal fit according to advanced or basic functional requirements
Cost-efficient and simplified infrastructure
Explore our latest products to ensure uptime in food preparation
Are you unsure which instrument to select for your specific application and measurement point? Our Applicator tool makes product selection for your industry easy. Try it out!
Use expert recommendations with frequent insights to improve the lifecycle management of your measuring instruments and ensure compliance with safety requirements.
Increase your process availability through professional advisory guidance
Prevent performance issues with continuous evaluation of the installed base maintainability
Improve sustainability and reduce risks by quickly identifying inefficiencies along with adopting a suitable migration strategy
Gain full transparency and increase accessibility of your installed base information
Access and visualization of instrumentation data in food manufacturing.
Deeper insights into process and instrumentation performance
Smart sensors collect real-time data from processes and monitor equipment and health, keeping you informed about product and asset performance. Digitizing production processes provides data visualization opportunities for personnel working with the process who typically do not have access to the data, creating data transparency. Endress+Hauser's Netilion can do just that, empowering end users to make the best decisions.
Want to know more about our food & beverage offerings?
Пищевая промышленность: доверие к качеству
Ваш надежный партнер в обеспечении норм гигиены, неизменно высокого качества продукции и эксплуатационной готовности оборудования в сочетании с экономией ресурсов и снижением расходов.
Повышение производительности и поддержание непрерывной и рентабельной работы предприятия с соблюдением установленных требований. В Endress+Hauser мы к вашем услугам.
Повышайте производительность и улучшайте качество продукции, соблюдая стандарты качества. Применяйте решения Endress+Hauser для ваших задач в пищевой промышленности.
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