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Change within the Endress+Hauser Supervisory Board

Mathis Büttiker replaces Fernando Fuenzalida

Дата публикации: 09.05.2017

Fernando Fuenzalida, a native of Chile who trained to be an industrial engineer in the United States, joined the Endress+Hauser Group as Chief Financial Officer in 1998 after an international career. He moved to the Supervisory Board upon his retirement in 2012. Effective 31 May 2017, the 74-year-old will retire from the board.

On 1 June 2017, Mathis Büttiker will join the Supervisory Board of Endress+Hauser AG. After obtaining his law degree, the 48-year-old Swiss native worked as an attorney before he specialized in financial investments and wealth management. He was previously co-owner of Swiss Bank La Roche & Co where he developed and managed the bank’s business in Hong Kong.

Today he is a member of the board at Notenstein La Roche Privatbank AG. Apart from his professional engagements, Mathis Büttiker is also active on the councils of several non-profit foundations.

Supervisory Board President Klaus Endress thanked Fernando Fuenzalida for his service to the company during the Endress+Hauser Group annual media conference in Basel.

“Mr Fuenzalida provided prudent oversight to Endress+Hauser for many years.” At the same time, Mr Endress welcomed the selection of Mathis Büttiker to the Supervisory Board. “Apart from his familiarity with the finance sector and his extensive knowledge of the Asian region, he also brings valuable experience in the area of social engagement.”



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