The future of industrial energy management starts with monitoring
Many key players within the food and beverage industry, such as bakeries, dairies and breweries, account for more than 50% of utility usage across the sector (source: energypedia). With various procedures that could cause considerable utility usage and consumption, plant personnel should consider leveraging innovative instrumentation, digitalization and reduction strategies to boost cost savings and energy usage efficiencies. Plants could start with initiatives that identify areas for process improvement, adjusting those operations, measuring and tracking energy data and using that information for progress reporting and efficiency goals.
How to simplify monitoring and collection of energy data
Regardless of the final product, continuous monitoring enables full transparency to energy usage, from brewing to filling. Hofbräuhaus, a German brewery in Munich, collaborated with Endress+Hauser to install an energy monitoring system in their plant which relies on digitalization. The system made monitoring and integration into the existing infrastructure simple.
Food producers will experience increasing pressure to manage their waste to eliminate environmental impacts. At the same time, manufacturers of all types will look for ways to increase their energy resiliency. Discover how the German food manufacturer Wernsing Feinkost GmbH converts their production waste into energy.
Steam and water analysis systems (SWAS) for Food & Beverage production
Do you use steam generators for your food or beverage production? Discover our smart SWAS panels for reliably monitoring the water quality in steam generation.
Boosting steam measurement in Food & Beverage processes
As an essential component in the food and beverage industry, steam is critical for heat transfer. In this process, cost-effectiveness, process safety, distribution and utilization should be prioritized. It’s no secret that steam misunderstandings and inefficiencies equate to lost monies, energy and potential safety concerns. So, how can plant personnel combat these woes? It starts with addressing their instrumentation needs.
Effective energy management to conserve valuable resources
Efficient production depends primarily on managing energy consumption and its associated costs. Accurate assessments and effectively reducing future energy consumption require continuous monitoring, recording and visualization of these values.
Используя решения Endress+Hauser по управлению энергопотреблением, пользователи могут надежно выявлять слабые места и потенциал экономии в системах сжатого воздуха.
Пар служит важнейшим теплообменным средством в различных отраслях промышленности, при этом особое внимание уделяется безопасности на всех этапах его производства, распределения и использования.
Системы отопления и охлаждения имеют решающее значение в повседневной работе. Узнайте об утилизации отходящего тепла (WHR), централизованном отоплении и охлаждении, технологическом отоплении и охлаждении.
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Стратегическое управление энергией с помощью измерений
Операционная эффективность в управлении процессами и промышленных приложениях имеет решающее значение. Персонал завода должен найти способы экономии энергии и затрат, сохраняя при этом безопасность и качество.
Электронная книга «Решения по энергосбережению» для всех отраслей промышленности
Существует множество возможностей для экономии пара, сжатого воздуха, систем отопления, охлаждения и промышленных газов. Комплексный мониторинг энергопотребления может сократить потребление энергии на 5–15%.
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