Meet your process availability and reliability goals while remaining efficient
MRO is frequently seen as a challenge and high-cost. However, it is necessary to ensure the availability of parts that support equipment reliability. Among the challenges are integrating end-to-end planning, increasing reliability and availability of physical assets, optimizing inventory and realizing effective spend management. With our approach we support you in MRO optimization of your chemical plant.
годовой чистой прибыли - бюджет на техническое обслуживание производственного объекта на сегодняшний день.
По мнению экспертов, техническое обслуживание находится на последнем месте в перечне контролируемых значительных расходов.
How we can help
We help to optimize your MRO processes by providing an an efficient, effective and paperless asset management solution that integrates with your business processes and reduces cost and error. Our MRO experts identify potential application areas in chemical plants where we can increase safety, gain efficiency or reduce maintenance costs. Following proven methods we help you optimize your work flows through:
business process consultants that conduct a workshop: by going through the existing situation (As-Is) the improvement potentials are discovered. These improvements and new solutions are used to design an improved situation (To-Be).
optimized calibration activities: our Calibration Interval Optimization service provides sustained calibration intervals based on scientific methods that rely on data rather than tradition.
Области применения
Business Process Consultancy
Efficient process optimization or successful project implementations do not only happen on paper, it also happens in people's minds and the way they work. Therefore, we have developed a standard service fit for the general process industry, based on generic Business Process Management models. Our offering for MRO optimization in your chemical plant helps you to make the right decisionsoptimise maintenance and ensure safety.
Наши экспертные знания в этой области
In a business process workshop we support you in defining the content of all relevant steps. The "As-Is" analysis represents the actual situation. This step is needed to understand the change in impact from the current situation to a new one. The “To-Be” situation includes the process description, new system architectures, associated work flows and the information exchange between the different systems in chemical plants. It represents a realistic and best possible solution.
The outcome helps everyone understand what the needed "pain relievers" are and what is achievable by implementing necessary actions.
A comprehensive document presents the pay-back scenarios and/or potential savings. These results will be presented to your stakeholders and management to ensure their buy inn.
The methodology is applied more than 70 times in several industries including the chemical industry. Due to the structured approach and the clear phased progression plan of improvement recommendations, the success is more sustainable.
Today most chemical manufacturers base their calibration intervals on arbitrarily fixed dates. While that may fulfill legal obligations it also results in instruments being calibrated too often or not often enough, leading to either wasted resources or increased risk. Traditionally, calibration is often scheduled for the annual shutdown. While this may be convenient, leading bodies such as the ILAC do not recommend fixed calibration intervals without review, as they are not considered reliable.
Наши экспертные знания в этой области
Our service product Calibration Interval Optimization (CIO) uses a scientifically proven method to calculate the next optimal calibration date. This method factors in drift, risk and other issues to optimize your calibration intervals to your process needs It helps you to gain operational efficiency and to achieve your maintenance budget targets. At the same time it minimizes the risk because every instruments gets the exact amount of calibration that it needs. CIO allows you to:
optimization of chemical plant maintenance by extending calibration intervals and cost reduction (as far as possible)
reduce risk (where necessary) by reducing calibration intervals and ensures safety
Наш опыт показывает, что только 20% приборов настроены с оптимальным интервалом калибровки. 67% межкалибровочных интервалов можно значительно увеличить, что открывает существенный потенциал для экономии затрат.
Your success is our main objective. No matter how challenging your maintenance objectives are, our experts will support you in optimization. We will support you through implementation of a sustainable obsolescence program, helping meet availability and reliability goals of your chemical process.
of current calibration intervals can be significantly increase
of your stock reduced by using a sustainable obsolescence program
of your uptime increased by implementing the perfect balanced MRO optimization strategy based on a proven methodology
Изучите наш ассортимент!
Необходимость в анализе воды, напитков, молочных продуктов, химических веществ или фармацевтических растворов возникает каждый день. В нашем портфолио вы найдете контрольно-измерительные приборы, оптимально соответствующие вашим задачам.
Измерение расхода
Измерение расхода
Измерение расхода воды, природного газа, пара, нефти, химических реагентов и некоторых других жидкостей необходимо каждый день. Выберите расходомер, который будет максимально соответствовать вашим потребностям.
Измерение уровня
Измерение уровня
Непрерывное измерение и определение предельного уровня жидких и сыпучих продуктов
Измерение давления
Измерение давления
Мощный инструментарий для измерения давления, уровня и расхода.
Программные продукты для управления парком приборов
Программные продукты для управления парком приборов
Помимо всех необходимых измерительных и системных технологий, Endress+Hauser предлагает вам соответствующее программное обеспечение для всех отраслей промышленности для максимального использования потенциала вашего технологического процесса
Системные продукты
Системные продукты
Измерение температуры
Измерение температуры
Термометры и нормирующие преобразователи для промышленных применений
Повышение производительности и поддержание непрерывной и рентабельной работы предприятия с соблюдением установленных требований. В Endress+Hauser мы к вашем услугам.
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